Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Informal Yet effective Ways to Write Your Cover Letter ~ Ikya Global EDU

You have finally found a suitable job to apply for after several weeks of tireless effort. The next thing on your agenda must be to really impress the employer by making a such a big entry not giving a choice to say No to you!

The first tool to make the best first impression is you COVER LETTER! If this doesn’t impress your resume loses its chance to go to the next level.  About 21% percent of the employers opine that a creative and a unique cover letter is an instant hit! So lose no chance to showcase your personality through your cover letter. This is one sure way of standing out!

Let’s see a few ways in which you can make your cover letter shine through creatively:

1. Numbers all the way:
Choose to use numbers to showcase your experience in your cover letter - wherever you can! Employers love numbers especially when they talk about your expertise! Quick way to understand your achievements.
Example: 1 project, 89 hours, 21 team members, 8 weeks - That’s what it took me to leash out the most prestigious event!
As an event management consultant I’ve acquired valid  experience pulling off massively successful events in spite of tight deadlines. This is what makes me a perfect fit for the challenging role you are offering! ‘

2. Use a famous quote:

At the outset this idea may seem a little to dramatic but if you use the right quote which in some way summarized your experience and learning it can work wonders to you!
Although it may seem cliché to use a quote in your cover letter, when used well and in context, a quote can add more value to your cover letter. Pick a quote that fits the context and clearly show the relation between that and your way of working and support with credentials.
Example: “Accountability breeds response-ability.” Stephen R. Covey once said!
As a manager, I have lived up the quote because it is the single most important path to success. I always believed in motivating and driving my team and have taken up the accountability of their successes alike their failures. I think t has proved good for all of us in more ways than one.
 This leadership skill is what makes me a great fit to the role.

3. Tell a mini anecdote:

Telling a story in your cover letter allows employers to see your more personal side. When employers search for candidates, they’re not only looking at your qualifications, but they also know if you’d be a good fit for their culture, too. By telling a story that relates to your career path, it will allow you to reveal your genuine self to the reader.
Example: I fell in love with basketball at a very young age. Not only do I love the sport itself, but also I loved the numbers behind the scores. Because of this life-long interest in sports and numbers, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for the Data Analyst position for the Washington Wildcats.

4. Talk about your passions and goals:

A little bit of storytelling on what your passions are and why you chose this as your field will disclose a great deal about your virtues.  Employers always look forward to passionate employees who perform brilliantly because their personal passions blend into their profession. They need no external motivation.
Example: Social media and content marketing are not only my passions but also important elements in the field of Digital Media marketing… My skills and experience coupled with my enthusiasm are the reasons why I fit into the position on offer!

5. Start small and smart:

Your opening line is the eye-catcher! Keeping it simple and short is the key…  Do bear in mind tha the employers do not have all the time in the world to go through paragraphs, but, well, he may if  yours sounds that interesting! Make it hard to put down.
Example: Designing is the source of my being. Let me tell you how it is going to change the game of your campaign.

There are several other ways of making it creative. Only thing to bear in mind is the audience you are writing it for and draft based on what they want to hear. 

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

“2017 - A Job Seekers' Market! – Go grab it!”

The news is officially out: The talent war has begun.

According to Talent Shortage Survey by Manpower Group, 40% of employers say that they had a hard time finding talent for the vacant positions in 2016.  The good news is, Employers are looking for competent candidates and greatly value eligible candidates!  

Below is a list of various hiring trends that will help you in exploring new job opportunities

Identify the hot Jobs:

There are a few positions that are always in demand and are hard to fill such as sales representatives, engineers, technicians, drivers, accounting and finance professionals, secretaries and receptionists. Prepping up for these is a good idea if you’re in the transitional stage of changing career paths. When applying for these, it is important to highlight relevant skills in your CV.


About one-fourth of survey participants reported that there was a dearth of applicants. This could be the result of lack of perusing opportunities assuming that their resumes won’t even be read nor will they be called for interview.
This is so untrue. The employers not only see the resumes but they also call and have interviews scheduled. So, applying is the first step. So, instead disbelieving and giving up on an opportunity, go ahead and absolutely APPLY! You sure will be surprised at the responses youll get.

Job description – A must read!:

 About one fifth of the survey participants opined that they had to rejects the applicants because they did not meet the required criteria such as experience or skill. Although, as stated above, it is important to apply, it is also important to apply only if you have met he eligibility criteria.  If you are switching career paths, make sure you mention that clearly in the cover letter or the resume.

On-the-job training: 

More that 50% of the employers today are investing in training the hired candidates to prepare them for optimum performance. This is an additional bonus cause it gives you an opportunity to add more feathers to your cap that you can flaunt for your next change. This also helps building network if the training is being provided through external sources.

Attractive and Higher Salaries:

According to Mercer Consulting, average pay increase this year is expected to be 2.9 percent.  This is happening only because it is a job seekers market. Employers are willing to pay more not only cause of candidate shortage but they would also make their employees feel valuable and important. Considering the above it can be concluded that it is a fairly good time to explore opportunities.

Perky perks:

With about 27% employers providing extra perks to new hires, this is un arguably the best time to look for a new job.
Along with the very pleasing salary boosting, employers are realizing more and more that it is equally important to provide tasty perks to get a better deal from the resource. This could range anywhere between, free lunches, additional pay-offs,  and joining bonuses.  

So, wait not!

Equip yourself to get posted and make the most out this precious year that holds all gold for job seekers!

Monday, 3 April 2017

Nail down your HR Interview Questions, like a boss!

For those looking for shift in the job, HR round can be a little anxious. Below are a few tips that will help you have a smooth sail through the round. The pre-condition however is to maintain your calm and cool. Keep your answers short and to the point. Don’t panic if the question is difficult, take your time think for a moment and answer peacefully, and in case you don’t know, say so politely with a smile. 

Here are some typical questions that you can expect and the befitting answers. Make sure this is not a by-heart-and-say-sheet; remember to customize your answers and BE GENUINE!

1. Tell me about yourself: 

This is a chance for you to speak about your main attributes. To answer this impressively, identify your strengths and memorize them. Speak about them confidently and also about your qualifications, career history and core areas. Lay stress on skills that are apt for the job you are applying for. 

2. What have your achievements been to date?

Pick an achievement that is fairly recent and work-related. Talk about it in context of the skills that you used to make it happen. Also talk about the resultant benefits that the company derived by employing your method. For example, ‘my greatest achievement has been to design and execute an automated payroll software that is unique and which helped the company to raise funds for its next venture, free-hand!

3. Are you happy with your career-to-date?

This HR interview question is actually about your confidence, self-worth and career goals. Of course your answer must be a big ‘YES”, followed by a description of everything about your career that made you happy. Each time you say something good/bad, it must be validated by a suitable justification.

4. What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it? 

The main intention behind asking this question is to really understand what your definition of a difficult situation is and to see how capable you are at solving a situation like that. To look impressive, pick and talk about the most difficult situation which you solved, keep it simple and short. Talk about how you navigated through the problem picking the available solutions that you picked and how you emerged successfully! 

5. What do you like about your present job?

This is a pretty upfront HR interview question. But can be a little tricky to answer this one. Instead of randomly answering this make sure your skills are aligned to the reasons your are mentioning. Look happy and peppy.

6. What do you dislike about your present job?

This is a pretty smart question from the interviewer. Make sure you don’t dwell in too many details as it may help them take cues on your weaknesses. The best way to answer this is to keep the answer generic, like slow-hikes and delayed decision making process and not stress on personal reasons. Play extremely smart here.

7. What are your strengths?

This is one question that you almost certainly know you are going to be answering. So make no excuse about not being prepared about this one! Identify about 5 of your core strengths and motion the top 3. Talk about them. For ex: your ability to be a team player, learn quickly, peppy attitude etc. It won’t stop there, mind you; you may be asked to quote examples. Just be doubly sure and prepared.

8. What is your greatest weakness?

Have you already thought about answering this one with “NONE.” Well, that’d be a blunder. The best way to answer this to pick an area of the job that’s not a must have for the job and say you don’t have required experience although you have the ability to buck up. Get smart and creative with this one.

9. Why do you want to leave your current employer?

For this HR interview question the best thing would be to say that you are looking for growth opportunities, learning and a shift in environment. You may also say you can handle more responsibility which the present job doesn’t offer. 

Remember to NEVER talk bad about the company and do not quote salary as an answer as it says that salary is your primary motive to work.

10. Why have you applied for this particular job?

Make sure this answer from you, nails down the fact that you are the best fit for this job. Make them realize you possess the required skill-set and that you will enjoy doing this and will be a team player. Also, the cherry on the icing – mention some good aspects about the hiring company. 
And you are almost there!

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